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This documentation shows the use of deust scripting library at Github mainly.


We recommend you to install klogg tool in order to debug efficiently scripts work. This application allows you to follow dcs.log in real time. Using this way you'll be able to detect errors quickly.

Our Focus

We are focusing on two kind of scripts:

  • First focus: we have a set of scripts which try to automate a lot of things based on group and units names created with Mission Editor.
  • Second focus: we've developed functions that an advanced editor could use invoking them. This functions require some basics programming skills on Lua.


Automated Scripts

  • Fat Cow: improve your helicopter missions allowing to request a Chinook land on your area of operations in order to refuel and ammo.
  • G2A Dispatcher: G2ADispatcher is based on MOOSE A2ADispatcher and A2GDispatcher but focusing on ground units attacking air units.
  • Autocargo: Create carriers and solider cargo which load automatically on the carrier only using prefix and suffixes.
  • Supression: This feature will allow you set up MOOSE Supression module only using group names prefixes at mission editor.
  • Random Route: This feature will allow you set up MOOSE Random Routes module only using group names prefixes at mission editor.


  • StaticRepair: invoking this function you'll be able to repair any static unit carrying crates near of it.


  • DCS Squadron ALA-15V: Our squadron are always help us testing and using our scripts.
  • DCS MOOSE: We are very grateful for this project because it has helped a lot to develop our scripts.

Splash Damage Script


  • Adds a blast wave effect which adds timed and scaled secondary explosions on top of game objects.
  • Object geometry within blast wave changes damage intensity.
  • Additional damage boost for structures since they are hard to kill, even if very close to large explosions.
  • Damage model for ground units that will disable their weapons and ability to move with partial damage before they are killed.

Vehicles Crews Spawning on BDA Event


This script rely on "BDA" event (vehicle gets critical damages, is set on fire, but is not totally destroyed yet) recently added with DCS 2.7. When a "BDA" event occures on the battlefield, the remaining crew can extract itself from the burning vehicle.

It consists of 1, 2 or 3 soldiers of different types, with 1 chance out of 7 that a soldier is a stinger/igla manpad. The crew spawns after 10 to 15 seconds around the vehicle (if on land), disperses on a short distance and is able to retaliate.

If a vehicle is directly destroyed when hit, "BDA" event won't happen. Some soldier unit types are considered as vehicles in DCS (example : air defense VEH for manpads) and can trigger "BDA", and are excluded in my script from "BDA" event check.